Mission Songs Project enables rare and almost forgotten songs to be revived and shared. This is the first time many have been recorded with some not being sung for over 60 years. We encourage all to listen and engage with the songs and share the stories and histories behind them.

27th December 2016
The first release of the Mission Songs Project collection, The Irex EP was launched at Woodford 2016/2017 and features two songs from Jessie Lloyd's family collection from Palm Island. The EP also has an interview with her two Aunties Lillian and Lynelda Geia talking on the stories behind the boat The Irex and the song Down In The Kitchen.
The EP's artwork was designed by Aboriginal artist Brook Andrew.
Track Order:
The Irex
Down In The Kitchen
Interview – Geia Sisters

10th March 2017
This is the full debut album release for Mission Songs Project and features ten rare songs revived by Jessie Lloyd from 2015-2016. It was launched at Brunswick Music Festival 2017 and features guest performances from Archie Roach, Jessica Hitchcock, Monica Weightman, the Geia Sisters and Alma Geia.
Produced by Jessie Lloyd
Recorded at The Aviary Recording Studio, Melbourne
Engineered, mixed and mastered by Colin Leadbetter
Artwork by Joe Geia and Creative Design by Lyn Geia
Project Patrons and Advisors – Prof Marcia Langton and Archie Roach
Singers and Musicians:
Jessie Lloyd – vocals/ukulele/acoustic guitar
Monica Weightman – vocals/acoustic guitar
Leah Flanagan – vocals
Karrina Nolan – vocals
Jessica Hitchcock – vocals
Iain Grandage – piano/piano accordion
Ed Bates – pedal steel guitar
Rob Mahoney – double bass
Archie Roach – vocals/acoustic guitar (track 11)
Lou Bennett - vocals (track 10)/whistle (track 7)
Lillian Geia – vocals/ukulele (tracks 10 & 12)
Lynelda Tippo – vocals (tracks 10 & 12)
Alma Geia – vocals (track 13)